These are the magazines that we currently have in the Railroad Magazine Index. We're adding more content all the time, and this list is certain to grow. If you're interested in seeing a periodical added that's not listed here, please see the Frequently Asked Questions list on "How Do I Get a Magazine Added?"
Prototype Railroading | Model Railroading | Museum & Historical | Club & Organization

Issues Indexed: 129 (1993 to Present)
The Friends of the Burlington Northern Railroad (FOBNR) was formed to gather, preserve, and share information about the history, current operations, and future development of the Burlington Northern Railroad and its successors.
The BN Expediter is published four times a year and is included with membership in the Friends of the Burlington Northern Railroad.

Issues Indexed: 101 (1999 to 2024)
Classic Trains is a quarterly publication by Kalmbach focusing on North American railroading's golden years with photographs, personal recollections, and informative feature articles.
Classic Trains is available both in print and digitally with a subscription to Kalmbach's Trains.com portal.

Issues Indexed: 124 (1986 to 2005)
CTC Board was a monthly magazine devoted to railroad photography, the rail industry, and tourist railroad news published from 1970 to 2006.
Some issues are missing from the index. If you have access to these issues, please contact us.

Issues Indexed: 18 (1998 to 2024)
Many issues are currently missing prior to 2021
Diesel Era is a quarterly publication with in-depth features and news on North American diesel locomotives. Subscriptions are available from White River Productions online store, and back issues are also available for purchase from White River Productions and Withers Publishing.

Issues Indexed: 125 (1968 to 2004)
Extra 2200 South is "The Locomotive Newsmagazine" with content related to railway locomotives and news.
Some issues are missing from the index. If you have access to these issues, please contact us.

Issues Indexed: 84 (1983 to 2002)
Freight Cars Journal explored the history, development, and technical evolution of freight cars. Published by David Casdorph, with contributions by many others, Freight Cars Journal provided data, technical drawings, and photograhs for a wide range of freight cars. Back issues can be found in our Archives section.

Issues Indexed: 8 (2009 to 2017)
Iron Horse News is a seasonal publication of the Colorado Railroad Museum for the benefit of its members, volunteers and gracious financial supporters. Contact the Colorado Railroad Museum to join.

Issues Indexed: 280 (1962 to 2022)
Light Railways is an Australian publication covering industrial and narrow gauge railways published by the Light Railway Research Society of Australia. Light Railways is currently published bi-monthly to members (and the past two years of back issues are available for sale), but everything prior to the past two years is freely available from their website.

Pacific Rail News (1984-1997)
Rail News (1997-1999)
Issues Indexed: 416 (1961 to 1999)
This magazine, most commonly known as Pacific Rail News, primarily focused on railroading in the western US and Canada until 1997, when Pentrex rebranded it as RailNews and expanded coverage to all major North American railroads. The final issue was published in August 1999.
TrainLife.com has purchased the rights to the back issues, and has made them available for free on their website.
Some issues are missing from the index. If you have access to these issues, please contact us.

Issues Indexed: 267 (1982 to Present)
From heritage to high-tech, Railfan & Railroad brings you trackside each month with exciting news, photos, and features. Railfan & Railroad is available both in print and digitally with a subscription. Subscriptions are available from White River Productions online store, and back issues are also available for purchase.

Issues Indexed: 5 (1971 to 1972)
Railroad Car Journal was published by Kratville Publications in the early 1970s and explored a variety of technical topics related to freight cars. Although long out of print, used copies can be found on the open market.

Issues Indexed: 290 (2005 to 2012)
Railway Herald is a weekly digital magazine covering the operational and enthusiast aspects of the UK, European and Worldwide railway scenes. Subscriptions are available from the Railway Herald website.

Issues Indexed: 1013 (1940 to Present)
Trains Magazine from Kalmbach Publishing offers monthly railroad news and commentary on today's freight railroads, passenger service, transit, preservation, fan opportunities, and more.
Trains is available both in print and digitally with a subscription to Kalmbach's Trains.com portal.

The Railroad Press
Issues Indexed: 25 (1998 to 2024)
Exploring the classic era of railroading from the 1960s through the 1990s, Trains & Railroads of the Past is a quarterly magazine published by White River Productions. Topics include first generation diesels, main line steam excursions, and the rise of colorful short lines. Previously, it was known as The Railroad Press and published bi-monthly. Subscriptions are available from White River Productions online store, and back issues are also available for purchase.

Issues Indexed: 12 (1967 to 1973)
1001 Model Railroading Ideas was a magazine published between 1967 and 1973.
TrainLife.com has purchased the rights to the back issues, and has made them available for free on their website.
Some issues are missing from the index. If you have access to these issues, please contact us.

Issues Indexed: 19 (2022 to Present)
Cowcatcher Magazine focuses on the people of the hobby and rail enthusiast community. Coverage includes news about the model railroad and railroad industries, as well as historical societies, museums, clubs, modelers and organizations at community and national levels.
Cowcatcher is available by subscription and at many stores & museums around the country.

Issues Indexed: 18 (2019 to 2024)
Chicago and North Western Historical Society Modeler is a publication of the CNW Historical Society (CNWHS) for the purpose of disseminating CNW modeling information. It is a free quarterly publication available at the CNWHS website.

Issues Indexed: 291 (1986 to 2024)
Classic Toy Trains is a publication focused on the collecting and operating of O and S gauge model trains.
Classic Toy Trains is available both in print and digitally with a subscription to Kalmbach's Trains.com portal.

Issues Indexed: 123 (1990 to Present)
The Dispatcher's Office is the official publication of the Operations Special Interest Group (OpSIG). It is published quarterly. Back issues are available to members on the OpSIG website.

Issues Indexed: 23 (2020 to 2024)
Garden Railroading News is a publication to support and promote garden railroading. Back issues can be found on the grnews.org website.

Issues Indexed: 227 (1982 to 2020)
Garden Railways was a quarterly Kalmbach publication focusing on large-scale trains and garden railroading. Garden Railways began life as the Sidestreet banner newsletter and evolved into Garden Railways magazine in 1984. The final issue was August 2020, at which point it was announced that Model Railroader would be expanded to include more large scale content.
Garden Railways back issues are available digitally with a subscription to Kalmbach's Trains.com portal.

Issues Indexed: 30 (1991 to 2020)
Great Model Railroads is an annual publication by Kalmbach that highlights the best in contemporary model railroading.
Great Model Railroads back issues are available digitally on DVD from Kalmbach's store.

Issues Indexed: 28 (2017 to 2023)
HO Collector is the only quarterly magazine dedicated to collectible HO scale trains. Subscriptions are available from White River Productions online store, and back issues are also available for purchase.

Issues Indexed: 304 (1980 to 2006)
Mainline Modeler is a prototype modeling-focused magazine published by Hundman Publishing from January 1980-August 2006.
The C&O Historical Society owns the rights to the Mainline Modeler PDFs, and makes a DVD available on their website.

Issues Indexed: 69 (1937 to 1949)
Model Builder was published in the 1930s and 1940s as a resource for model railroaders.
TrainLife.com has purchased the rights to the back issues, and has made them available for free on their website.
Some issues are missing from the index. If you have access to these issues, please contact us.

Issues Indexed: 178 (2009 to 2024)
Model Railroad Hobbyist is a high quality, free digital model railroading magazine published monthly. The current and back issues can be found on the MRH website.

Issues Indexed: 191 (2007 to Present)
Model Railroad News is a monthly publication dedicated exclusively to the latest new product announcements and the hobby industry’s most in-depth and detailed product reviews. Subscriptions are available from White River Productions online store, and back issues are also available for purchase.

Issues Indexed: 25 (1995 to 2019)
Model Railroad Planning is an annual publication by Kalmbach that focuses on the best and most useful articles for planning your layout.
Model Railroad Planning back issues are available digitally on DVD from Kalmbach's store.

Issues Indexed: 1095 (1934 to Present)
Model Railroader is a monthly magazine covering the hobby of model railroading. It is available both in print and digitally with a subscription to Kalmbach's Trains.com portal.

Issues Indexed: 260 (1979 to 2006)
Model Railroading was a monthly magazine published between 1979 and mid-2006.
TrainLife.com has purchased the rights to the back issues, and has made them available for free on their website.
Some issues are missing from the index. If you have access to these issues, please contact us.

Issues Indexed: 57 (2004 to 2022)
N Scale Railroading is a monthly magazine devoted to the best of 1:160.
Back issues are available on the N Scale Railroading website.

Issues Indexed (NGSL): 266 (1975 to Present)
Issues Indexed (Finelines): 57 (1964 to 1975)
Issues Indexed (Slim Gauge News): 18 (1970 to 1974)
Published bi-monthly, Narrow Gauge and Shortline Gazette focuses on both prototype and modeling information for narrow gauge railroading. Published now by White River Publications, NGSL also incorporates Finelines and Slim Gauge news.
Back issues can be found in the White River Publications bookstore or on flash drive from Bob Hayden.

Issues Indexed: 37 (2010 to 2024)
The Nickel Plate Road Modeler's Notebook is a free quarterly e-zine about modeling the Nickel Plate. It is published by the Nickel Plate Road Historical and Technical Society.
Issues are available on the NKPHTS wesbite.

Issues Indexed: 714 (1935 to Present)
The NMRA Magazine is the official member publication of the National Model Railroad Association. It was previously known as Scale Rails, and before that, simply as the NMRA Bulletin. Members get online access to both current issues and many back issues.
Some issues are missing from the index. If you have access to these issues, please contact us.

Issues Indexed: 54 (2011 to 2024)
A free, online magazine published quarterly by the New York Central System Historical Society, NYCentral Modeler provides information for modeling the New York Central System.
Issues are available on the NYCSHS wesbite.

Issues Indexed: 68 (2013 to 2024)
The O Scale Resource is a bi-monthly publication about all things O scale.
Back issues are available on the O Scale Resource website.

Issues Indexed: 49 (1977 to 1990)
Prototype Modeler was a magazine dedicated to prototype information to aid the model railroader.
TrainLife.com has purchased the rights to the back issues, and has made them available for free on their website.
Some issues are missing from the index. If you have access to these issues, please contact us.

Issues Indexed: 229 (1989 to 2008)
Railmodel Journal was a model railroading magazine published from 1989 to August 2008.
TrainLife.com has purchased the rights to the back issues, and has made them available for free on their website.

Issues Indexed: 27 (2020 to 2024)
Railway Modeller Australia promotes the hobby of railway modelling in Australia covering all prototypes and scales. Issues are available to download on their website.
Prior to 2022, the magazine was known as Rail Modeller Australia.
Issues Indexed: 239 (1965 to Present)
Many issues are currently missing prior to Dec 2011
Railroad Model Craftsman Magazine brings you the best in scale model railroading since 1933. Available both in print and digitally with a subscription. Although the magazine has been published since 1933, currently digital back issues only go to December 2011. Subscriptions are available from White River Productions online store, and back issues are also available for purchase.

Issues Indexed: 73 (2018 to 2024)
Running Extra is a sister publication to Model Railroad Hobbyist, and is a paid digital model railroading magazine published monthly. The current and back issues can be found on the MRH website.

Issues Indexed: 61 (2004 to 2024)
The S Scale Resource is a bi-monthly publication about all things S scale.
Back issues are available on the S Scale Resource website.

Issues Indexed: 206 (1970 to 2023)
The Central Headlight is the official member publication of the New York Central System Historical Society and has been published since 1970.

Issues Indexed: 68 (2008 to 2024)
The C&TS Dispatch is published by The Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad Inc. The C&TS Railroad is a sixty-four mile long railroad and museum of railroad history and technology, operating between Antonito, Colorado, and Chama, New Mexico. The Friends is dedicated to the preservation and interpretation of the Railroad.

Issues Indexed: 36 (2002 to 2019)
The Prospector is published quarterly by the Rio Grande Modeling & Historical Society, which is dedicated to preserving and disseminating the historical record of the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad and its predecessors, and to the encouragement of accurate scale modeling of the railroad.

Issues Indexed: 69 (2001 to 2022)
The Sagebrush Headlight is the official newsletter from the Nevada State Railroad Museum. Back issues are publicly available from their website.

Issues Indexed: 14 (2020 to 2024)
Over the years, many Friends of the East Broad Top members have invested time and effort researching and exploring every inch of the East Broad Top Railroad, including long-abandoned and sometimes long-forgotten branches. Much of the resulting body of knowledge has been documented in the pages of Timber Transfer, making the magazine one of the best sources for accurate information on virtually any subject concerning the EBT. The Timber Transfer is only available to FEBT members.

Issues Indexed: 60 (1997 to 2024)
Track 'n Feathers is the newsletter from the Galloping Goose Historical Society of Dolores, CO - the folks that rebuilt the Dolores depot and restored and operate RGS 5. Back issues are available from the GGHS website.

Issues Indexed: 157 (1966 to 2024)
The Cannon Ball is the official publication of the Sunrise Train Division of the National Model Railroad Association.